
Tech Ethics Bristol
The use of AI and emerging technologies bring new benefits, but also challenges and ethical concerns about the social implications and potential unintended consequences these technologies can have in our society.
Designing a better future is everyone's responsibility and we want to create a space to discuss, learn and exchange ideas and best practices.
We value a multidisciplinary approach and we welcome businesses, academics, students and people from diverse backgrounds and levels of expertise.
Our events are free and cover a variety of topics related to Technology and Ethics, including:
Data and Privacy, Democracy and Disinformation, Value alignment, Human Rights,
AI Ethics and Governance, AI and regulations and more.
Join our Meetup event page
Following us on
Twitter at @EthicsBristol
and our Linkedin page
If you want to be a speaker or suggest a topic for a Meetup,
please get in touch with the Meetup organisers:
Karin Rudolph at karin@collective-intelligence.co.uk
Alex Cosgrove at alex@adlib-recruitment.co.uk
We would love to hear your suggestions!
Past events

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